"Takomo stands out for its commitment to delivering tour-quality equipment."

Grant Horvat
Shareholder and Director of Tempo at Takomo Golf

"They passed the performance and the eye test. It’s a no-brainer."

Shareholder and the People's Champ

"They look great. They perform great."

Pro, creator, stick

"After trying them out the first time I was instantly sold."

Shareholder and the People's Champ

"When you look at 'em, super sleek, super simple which I absolutely love."

Josh Mayer
Absolute Stick

”They are a fantastic build quality. They feel exceptional.”

James Robinson
King of Youtube Golf Reviews

"Absolutely stunning clubs here from Takomo. Look how delicious."

Matt "Golf Sidekick," Waddaplayazinski
Youtube Golf Legend

”The 301 CBs are puuure.”

Claire Hogle
Golf Icon

"Takomo stands out for its commitment to delivering tour-quality equipment."

Grant Horvat
Shareholder and Director of Tempo at Takomo Golf

"They passed the performance and the eye test. It’s a no-brainer."

Shareholder and the People's Champ

"They look great. They perform great."

Pro, creator, stick

"After trying them out the first time I was instantly sold."

Shareholder and the People's Champ

"When you look at 'em, super sleek, super simple which I absolutely love."

Josh Mayer
Absolute Stick

”They are a fantastic build quality. They feel exceptional.”

James Robinson
King of Youtube Golf Reviews

"Absolutely stunning clubs here from Takomo. Look how delicious."

Matt "Golf Sidekick," Waddaplayazinski
Youtube Golf Legend

”The 301 CBs are puuure.”

Claire Hogle
Golf Icon

@ Takomo on Instagram

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